Don Sebastian
Don Sebastian Suclle is a great elder Paqo from the Q’ero community.
As a young man Don Sebastian was struck by lightning. After that he became very ill and his family asked themselves why it happened and what kind of message it was. The family brought him to different kinds of sacred mountains for healing as he had too much pain for the family to handle themselves. His father, as a Paqo, was in contact with the soul of Don Sebastian, he received information from the Cosmos and understood that Don Sebastian was meant to become a Paqo.
Sebastian’s father took him to different wakas (places of power) to help himself and be able to receive the gifts and get the seeds from nature to become a Paqo. The first waka was a mountain called Wamanlipa to receive the gifts of this powerful Apu. He also got a strong feeling that something big transformed in his hands. After this he didn’t really understand what just happened to him, so he was just feeling vibrations by surrounding nature which was stronger and more beautiful than ever. After the ritual at the mountain he went back to his home. During the following years Don Sebastian was initiated and trained by his father.
After his apprenticeship Don Sebastian started his own path as a Paqo; he is a great master ceremonialist in making offerings for the Universe and master of the Khuyas and has the skills for Coca leaf reading.